Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tambunan Gaius could show a piece of paper containing the outpouring of his heart

Tambunan Gayus could show a piece of paper containing the pouring her heart out to Adnan Buyung Nasution Cs. However, Son did not read at all let alone correcting content that Gaius vent.

Gayus Lawyers Tambunan, Pia Akbar Nasution, tell, Gayus communicate with legal counsel the day before the trial verdict on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 yesterday.

"Gayus said, wanted to be given the opportunity to speak to the public and if facilitated. Because of all these outstanding issues to hit him and he did not have a chance to speak. Then, we say that there will be a chance why not?" Pia said told AFP on Thursday (01/20/2011).

Pia said, Gayus then showed a piece of paper containing the outpouring of his heart while in detention room Court (PN) in South Jakarta.

How about the attack to the Task Force Gayus? "It's a matter of a Gaius disappointment. The promises of the Task Force to him. We as a power law of surrender completely to him. But, it does not mean Gayus voice, our voice, too. We'll just accompany him,"said Pia.

Wednesday (19 / 1) yesterday, sentenced after 7 years in prison and fined Rp 300 million, Gayus convey vent. In vent its, he mentioned the name of JJ Grice.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Israeli troops kill Palestinian

 Palestinian dead
Israeli troops on Sunday shot dead three Palestinians, including a 91-year-old man and his grandson, in the town of Beit Hanoun, Gaza Strip, Palestinian medical officials said. "Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Saeed, a farm manager who was 91 years, and Ismael Abu Walid Audeh (20), was killed Sunday by Israeli tank fire," said Salima Abu Adham, a spokesman for the local medical services, told AFP.

Terry Jones has been criticized Townspeople Gainesville, Florida

  Terry Jones
Stephanie George, a resident of the city of Gainesville, Florida, has been frustrated by frequent witness Dove World Outreach Center members wearing T-shirts with phrases that blaspheming Islam. Last weekend Stephanie can not remain silent anymore. He and his friend, Lynda Dillon, came to the place of manufacture T-shirts Dragonfly Graphics to order a dozen T-shirts bearing the message counter: "Love, not Dove."

Foreign Ministry Condemned the Construction of Jewish Settlements in Palestine

 Teuku Faizasyah
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) RI denounced the construction of Jewish settlements in Palestine, stating that housing development can not be justified in the context of peace itself. "We condemn settlement construction that can not be justified, in the context of peace itself," said foreign ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah during a press conference here on Friday (17 / 9).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Suicide Bombing Claimed 16 Lives In Russia

Vladikavkaz, Russia, A suicide bomber killed at least 16 people and injured 100 others Thursday in a market in the Caucasus, Russia, the most deadly guerrilla attacks for several months in the restive region. Officials said the explosion in the city of Vladikavkaz was caused by a suicide bomber who blew himself up at a local market with a car containing explosives package.

Terry Jones To Cancel The Burning Quran

Terry Jones
Pastor of a small sect of origin of Florida, Terry Jones abandoned the plan 'controversial', burning the Quran. Was due, the Muslim book burning was held Saturday, September 11, 2010, at 6 pm local time. Initially, this plan will be held to commemorate the tragedy of the terrorist attacks on the twin towers a symbol of the United States economy, the World Trade Center (WTC), 11 September 2001. The U.S. government accuses al-Qaeda terrorist network was behind this attack.

Friday, September 10, 2010

ChemBot Robots Soft as Ball

  ChemBot robots
Washington, The U.S. military is currently developing a flexible robot, which can change shape in an instant. The form does not like robots in general, even just like a pile of melted rubber. But make no mistake, these robots have special abilities of the military mission. The robot, named ChemBot made by the iRobot company with a contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Army Research Office.