Terry Jones
Stephanie George, a resident of the city of Gainesville, Florida, has been frustrated by frequent witness Dove World Outreach Center members wearing T-shirts with phrases that blaspheming Islam. Last weekend Stephanie can not remain silent anymore. He and his friend, Lynda Dillon, came to the place of manufacture T-shirts Dragonfly Graphics to order a dozen T-shirts bearing the message counter: "Love, not Dove."
T-shirt that contains the lyrics of the popular Elvis Costello ("What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding").
Action Stephanie was aimed directly against the pastor Terry Jones, his church and threats to burn the Koran on Saturday, September 11th. "He's a crazy, but I still feel the need to state that we are not crazy like him. I do not want them as representing our environment," said Stephanie, (46).
Terry Jones has been reviled throughout the world and more city residents angry at Jones. They are very angry and upset that Jones' actions make the small town bercitra bad.
Gainesville previously got the name because it produces fragrant college football champions USA, Gatorade, and the rockers like Tom Petty.
Gainesville City of educated and progressive atmosphere, with a gay mayor and City Council that all of the Democratic Party. Metropolis with a population of 115,000 it had more ice cream shop than gun shops.
"He does not represent the community," said Larry Wilcox (78) who was reading the newspaper at a Panera restaurant. "This guy obviously was just chasing a strange and publicity."
On Friday, Mr. Jones once again appear and attract dozens of photographers to come. He brings a former Marine costumed impersonation. Former Marines held the flag of the United States and demanded an apology from Muslims for the bombing of the Marine barracks in 1983 that killed 241 people in Beirut.
"It makes us despair," said the Rev. Larry Reimer, pastor of Union Church Gainesville. He arrived at the church door Dove carrying 8048 signatures and various statements from the 97 countries that asked for Jones to cancel plans to burn the Koran.
Pastor Reimer said many people from around the world has asked him to help the city of Gainesville to face Jones.
The same thing happened to Mayor Craig Lowe. He said so many entries devoted to him. "Almost one email entry per second," said Lowe.
There are residents who said it would sue the city or that Jones was a discussion of public issues. People from other cities even suggest the deployment of National Guard (public conscripted for defense in the country) to stop Jones's plan.
Most of the citizens could only bury their anger against Jones, but others chose direct confrontation.
Jose Soto, the leader of Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Florida, stood across the street from the church i Dove on Friday afternoon with his colleagues and they shout, "Hey ho, hey ho, Dove Outreach got to go." (Dove Outreach had to leave). "Ignoring them did not succeed," said Soto. "They're getting so attention."
John L. Esposito, an expert on religion and international in Georgetown and a consultant to the U.S. State Department, have their own opinion to deal with Jonies.
Politicians, news media, as well as all the citizens of Gainesville, he says, must divert themselves to attempt to convey the image that berbalikan from Jones. "What we have to start doing is giving the positive side of ourselves, this would be an example for other citizens," he said.
That attitude also has done exactly the Dragonfly. Over the past 24 years, the company that managed the four men that make T-shirts for companies, students, events, and church. The owner of Dragonfly, Joy Revels, refused orders from Terry Jones, who ordered T-shirts with the inscription of religious blasphemy.
He then printed 200 shirts match on Tuesday, initially to test the demand as well as collecting donations. But, on Friday night, already more than 1,000 T-shirt "peace, love and mutual understanding" was sold out. "Until last weekend, Joy and workers are still busy to fulfill your order shirts match against Terry Jones. Society Gainesville apparently the same with all people around the world: they rejected and angry with Terry Jones.
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