blood rain in Aceh
Thursday (02/11/2010), approximately at 11.00 am in the Village Seuneubok rain, District of South Teupah, Simeulue District. Precipitation that falls to the tin roof houses six residents of the village, when it housed a maroon-colored, nearly resemble the color of blood. People were in an uproar.
Until the next day, a crowded population of Simeulue discuss it. They suspect it is a natural phenomenon which is very rare. Moreover there is a link between the citizens of the scene with superstition, mysticism, in addition there is also a suspect as a meteor dust or living cells from alien beings (ET) is released into the atmosphere and fall to earth with rain.
Previously, she was not heard through the stories of the ancestors that ever happened in Simeulue red rain, as happened in Kerala, India, in 2001. "But about the tsunami that we call smong on Simeulue in 1907, it was often narrated from generation to generation, so we know that a large earthquake occurs, usually followed by smong. So we run to the hills," said Rahimuddin (29 ), the resident Salur, District of West Teupah, Simeulue.
Throughout her years, said Rahimuddin, just yesterday for the first time he heard there was a red rain. And it happened in the village of one district with Seuneubok residence.
The village is located 18 kilometers to the south Sinabang, Simeulue district capitals. "Most residents of South Teupah still curious about the red rain events, for never happened before," said Rahim Porch when contacted by telephone from Banda Aceh.
Meanwhile, Abdul Karim, Head of Public Relations Simeulue Regency who was contacted by telephone from Banda Aceh, said the incident was just a red rain about 24 hours mystery. "When the incident and until yesterday morning had an uproar because people had never happened before the red rain here. In fact from the district capital could come down to the location of the red rain Simeulue Secretary, together with Drs Riswan R Irwan Basyir General Division. But, after a doctor examined water samples was yesterday afternoon, the riddle of the red water began unanswered, "said Karim.
The doctor who referred Karim is the Secretary Department of Health (Health) Simuelue, Armidin. It checks in the local health office laboratory sample bottle of red rain which happened to be accommodated one resident Seuneubok, South Teupah, when the rain roof of his house.
The rain only lasted about five minutes, since at 11.00 am, Thursday afternoon. Incidentally at home Seuneubok rarely populated, so that from the seven houses rain, just six houses that the water stream of red roofs.

blood rain in India
Blood Rain in India is one of the natural phenomena that have yet to know the truth. Rain that occurred on July 25th, 2001 ago was filled with red water showering the state of Kerala in India. The rain lasted until September 2001. It is still a mystery to us like a phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle.
More than 500,000 cubic meters of rainwater pouring into the earth is red. At first scientists thought the red rainwater was caused by desert sand, but the scientists discovered something startling, red elements in the water are living cells, cells that did not come from the earth.
Rain water samples are taken immediately to be investigated by the Indian government and scientists. One of the independent scientists who examined them was Godfrey Louis and Santosh Kumara from the University of Mahatma Gandhi.
From the research mentioned lomposisi cell consists of 50% Carbon, 45% oxygen and 5% other elements such as iron and sodium, consistent with the other components of biological cells, and cells were also dividing. The cell was between 30-10 micrometers in diameter with a thick cell wall and has a variation in membrane nanostructure.
At the University of Sheffield, England, an expert named Milton Wainwright microbiologically confirmed that the red elements are living cells. This is stated because Wainwright had found the DNA of the cell elements, although he has not succeeded untarred.
Because of the red particles are living cells, the scientists theorized that particles that are blood red. According to them, possibly meteorite exploded in the air had been massacred a group of bats in the air. But this theory was rejected because of lack of evidence that supports such as bat wings who fell to earth.
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