Sunday, September 5, 2010

katy Perry adopt Justin Bieber

katy perry
New York - Katy Perry plans to marry his lover Russell Brand in India later this year. But it seems that Katy wants to form the first family to adopt Justin Bieber as their adopted child. Katy posting a photo Bieber and write in Twitter account: "Hey Rusty Rockets, I know we're going to get married and have a family, but I want you to be willing to adopt a child first. I have an idea, what if we adopt this cute kid ? The atmosphere of the house would be so enjoyable. "

But Russell is not a buff young singer's songs. When interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine, Russell called Bieber bad songs.

Former heroin addict was joking, "Fame and the sensation he would be very different if he becomes addicted to heroin. That would make fallen down. I'm not sure Justin Bieber able to overcome the habit of Syd Barrett."

"Many musicians struggle against addiction on drugs, and maybe we will avoid their music. Like Darwin's theory. That is the law of natural selection," he added.

Katy hastily smoothing her future husband's rock sayings on Twitter, "The Drugs Do not Work - The Verve ... this song is in my top 10 songs. Gosh .. this song is very beautiful.

Russell Brand seems to be jealous because his girlfriend is very devoted to Justin Bieber

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